What is UAW Trust?
The UAW Trust or United Auto Workers union represents hundreds of thousands of automotive workers across various companies like Ford, General Motors, Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) and more.
As part of the collective bargaining agreements between the union and automakers, retired UAW members are entitled to healthcare benefits through the uaw trust. Let’s explore what this trust is and how it helps retired union members.
What is the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust?
The UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust (more commonly known simply as the UAW Trust) was established in 2010 to administer retiree health care benefits for retired UAW members from Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors.
Prior to 2010, these retiree medical benefits were paid directly by the automakers. However, due to rising healthcare costs and other financial issues, responsibility for funding and administering the benefits was transferred to an independent trust fund.
The UAW Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of both UAW representatives and representatives from the automakers. It is responsible for managing assets valued at over $54 billion as of 2023 to pay for healthcare coverage for around 770,000 UAW retirees and dependents. The trust aims to provide comprehensive and affordable medical coverage through a variety of plans.

Did the UAW Medical Benefits Trust?
When the UAW Trust was established in 2010, it took over responsibility for benefits that were previously provided directly by the automakers. This included medical coverage, prescription drug coverage, dental coverage, vision coverage, and hearing coverage. It also covers retirees not yet eligible for Medicare. For those who are Medicare-eligible, the trust provides supplemental coverage to fill gaps left by traditional Medicare.
In addition to healthcare benefits, the UAW Trust also provides some additional services to retirees. This includes an over-the-counter (uaw trust otc catalog) allowance program that provides funds to purchase approved non-prescription health items each quarter without a prescription.
The uaw trust catalog also maintains a website at uawtrust.org where retirees can access information about their benefits, find forms and documents, watch educational videos, and more.

Does the UAW Trust Require Medicare Signup?
One important thing to understand about the UAW Trust and how it coordinates with government healthcare programs is that Medicare enrollment is required once a retiree reaches age 65. While the trust provides primary coverage for those under 65, at 65 retirees must enroll in Medicare Part A (inpatient hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (outpatient medical insurance) in order to maintain their UAW-sponsored coverage.
The UAW Trust coordinates as the secondary payer with Medicare once retirees enroll. It helps cover things like deductibles, copays, and services not covered under traditional Medicare. But Medicare enrollment is mandatory for those over 65 – failure to enroll can result in large penalties from the government and gaps in health coverage. The UAW Trust provides education and assistance to retirees as they approach Medicare eligibility age to make the transition as seamless as possible.
The UAW Trust website at uawtrust.org provides many helpful resources for retired union members. In addition to information about health coverage and benefits, visitors to the site can learn about additional programs and services available to them. For example, did you know that through a partnership between the UAW Trust and PDP (Performance Designed Products), retirees are able to get substantial discounts on gaming accessories?
By visiting UAW Trust pdp.com and entering the UAW Trust catalog code, those with an interest in video games can save money on controllers, headsets, and other equipment for Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC. This offers yet another valuable benefit provided through membership in the UAW Trust, helping to provide enjoyment to retirees in their days following their career in the auto industry.
Is the Ford UAW Pension in a Trust Fund?
Like other major automakers, Ford has a pension plan for its UAW workers that is managed separately from the company itself via a trust fund. Pension plans promise employees retirement benefits based on salary and years of service. To ensure these promises can be kept, pension assets are placed in a trust fund that is managed independently from the company by professional trustees.
In the case of Ford’s UAW pension plan, the trust fund is called the Ford Retiree Medical Benefits Trust. As with the broader UAW Trust, it is governed jointly by UAW representatives and Ford representatives. The trust fund holds pension assets and invests them with the goal of achieving returns that will allow it to pay out promised pension benefits to retired Ford UAW workers.
By law, pension trust funds must be fully funded and separate from the automaker to protect retirees’ benefits even if the company encounters financial difficulties in the future. So in summary – yes, the Ford UAW pension is held securely in an independent trust fund as required.
What is the UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors Legal Services Plan Trust?
In addition to healthcare and pension benefits, the UAW has also negotiated legal services benefits on behalf of its members at various automakers. One such plan is the UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors Legal Services Plan. This uaw trust 2024 plan provides access to legal advice and representation for covered legal matters to eligible UAW retirees and their families from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), Ford, and General Motors.
Like the other benefit plans, the UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors Legal Services Plan operates via an independent trust fund – the UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors Legal Services Plan Trust. The trust is jointly governed and holds assets to pay for the administration of the legal services plan. It allows legal benefits to be provided in a standardized way to UAW retirees from multiple companies.
The legal services available include wills and estate planning, family law, real estate matters, consumer protection assistance, and more. Having access to these benefits can offer retirees valuable peace of mind in dealing with various personal legal issues that may arise over the course of their retirement years.
Final Thought
As the organization overseeing billions in assets and administering health coverage for hundreds of thousands of retirees, the UAW Trust plays an important role for many former auto workers entering their retirement years.
Its coordination with Medicare and management of benefits via independent trust funds help ensure UAW retirees can maintain comprehensive healthcare and other support long after leaving their jobs. With a better understanding of the UAW Trust, retirees can make the most of the resources and benefits available to them through this organization.